One of the things that they do each year is set goals for the upcoming year. They do this about this time of year and they just published their goal list for 2014. This has inspired me to create my own list. The process that Jim and Mary say that they use is that each of them separately makes their own list and then they compare lists and create a joint list. They then print the list and place it on their refrigerator where they can check off items as they accomplish them. They have been doing this now for four years and it is amazing what they have been able to accomplish.
Since I am the lone list maker at Mom's Hobby Farm I only need to brainstorm a bunch of ideas and then fine tune the ideas into a list that is both ambitious and mostly doable. I am choosing projects that require limited resources, mostly labor with little financial input. I am going to have some farm goals and some blog goals. I also have a few things that I do but would like to do better and I will list those as "15 minutes every day" goals. Jim and Mary were able to accomplish much of their projects by doing a little bit at a time until all the bits became a finished project. I plan to use this approach to do a better job with big, ongoing tasks--things that are never really 'done' but would definitely benefit from some daily attention. So here is my list--
Farm goals for 2014
Garden goals
Complete the south side of the cornfield in raised rows
Complete the line of posts dividing the south cornfield from
the north cornfield and number
Construct the post rows in the north cornfield
Transplant raspberries to the dividing row
Plant asparagus in the dividing row
Plant cranberries in the sandbox
Replace last two long raised beds in the potager
Build trellising for the cornfield
Leaf storage
Purchase a chipper/shredder
Plant grapes to train on wire
Four more tables for the greenhouse
Three more pairs of chains for hanging gutters
Rod for hanging pots
Farmstand goals
Six tables for the farmstand
Awning on the farmstand
Recipe storage
Sell excess seedlings in spring
Sell winter greens
Host a harvest meal for family July
Host a harvest meal for family August
Host a harvest meal for family September
Host a harvest meal for family October
“15 minutes
every day” goals for 2014
Compost turning
Weeding the gravel and cement areas
Weigh produce harvested/sold
Blog goals
for 2014
Cookbook reviews
Link posts of completed projects to parties
Link posts of harvest meals to parties
General goals
for 2014
Grow more
Sell more
Preserve more
Eat healthier
Keep better records
Expand perennial fruits and vegetables
Add laying hens
And here is a picture of a Christmas present that will help me achieve one of these goals :
![]() | |
an antique scale from the 1940's |
It might just be too beautiful to use.
I am joining Susan at Between Naps On The Porch for Metamorphosis Monday.