We had four tenths of an inch of rain overnight along with some thunder and lightening. More is predicted for this evening and overnight and we are in a tornado watch. It would seem like spring has arrived. I did a little tour of the growing spaces looking for evidence of spring's arrival and some plants are showing no evidence. Lots of trees are not leafing out yet but a few have started.
The flowering ornamental from Nikole |
The west apple tree |
The east apple tree |
one plum tree |
the other plum |
The replacement pear planted last year |
No potatoes growing yet but I checked the peas and found a few were starting to sprout.
The rhubarb that was not visible a couple of days ago now looks like this.
The raspberry plants that I transplanted from where they were growing wild in the grove are starting to get some green on them.
Our first asparagus spear has started to grow.
There is a bird nest on the grape arbor. No signs of life yet from the grape vines but it seems that they have usually been later to come around.
The fern peony is coming along. Nearby is one of Sadie's favorite places to lay so I have added a tomato cage in hopes of preventing it from getting napped on.
And a couple other signs of spring:
The grass is green and needs to be mowed.
Gemma was outside of the fence and couldn't find her way back in today. Twice.
We have seen our first wood ticks and garter snakes.
We have had invitations to three weddings, two college graduations, one high school graduation, prom grand march, three May birthdays, a three day weekend and mother's day.
And Sadie manages to find every new pile of weeds or freshly turned earth to sleep on. Gotta love her. Yesterday I missed getting pictures of her sleeping in the center raised bed in the potager and the day before I missed getting a picture of her sleeping on the compost pile.
Here she is on a new pile of weeds that had just been raked out of the flower bed and not yet picked up.
Someday I am going to do a post that is just pictures of Sadie napping in different spots on the farm. She is a sweet girl and the farm wouldn't be the same without her so I don't really mind if she flattens a few flowers.