Saturday, January 4, 2020

2019 regrets. I have a few.

Happy New Year.  This time of year always seems to be a time of reflection and review and thinking about the new year.  Whether that is an intentional thing or an accidental thing, for me it just sort of happens. 

2019 was both a challenge and a joy.  I have a lot to be grateful for.  But 2019 was a fight from beginning to end.  Mother Nature did not cooperate.  My garden was a disaster.  The farm repairs seemed to be unending.  Nursing as a profession is hard on the body and this old nurse's joints protested a lot.  So many projects I wanted to get done didn't happen or are still only partially finished.  Blogging was practically nonexistent.  I wasn't even finding time to read my favorite bloggers.  I have recipes I wanted to try, new or new to me kitchen tools that I bought or was gifted that I haven't used.  Holiday decorating was minimal.  Holiday baking consisted of a batch of rosettes and a batch of krumkake, one batch of Russian teacakes and one batch of peanut blossoms.  All at the last minute.  No fancy cookies which I love to make. 

Now that the holidays are past and outside stuff is less, it is time to take a hard look at how to cope better in case 2020 turns out to be a repeat of 2019.  No more limping from one problem to the next.  It is time to make goals and plans that are reasonable, rethink some things to make them more manageable.  If I can no longer do it all I want to make sure that stuff like blogging and trying new recipes makes it to my to do list.  I have picked up some cute notebooks and I am starting a bullet journal, a garden journal, a holiday journal and a meal planner.   

Wish me luck.



  1. Sometimes the year just has a mind of their own, doesn't it? We are only along for the ride. I've felt like this, too, many times. I grabbed myself a gratitude journal this year with the hope of keeping focused on what is important and I got a new free app called Trello so I can keep what I need to do in front of me since I've been spending so much time in front of the computer...for better or worse. I love paper and pencil and notebooks and journals and do write in them, but then I forget what I wrote in what book, etc. I must be getting old. Hope to hear more from you in 2020 and wishing you all the best!

    1. Thanks Kim. A mind of their own. I like how you phrase that. I will add a gratitude page to my bullet journal. Reminders of all that I have to feel grateful for can only help, right? I think that I have been feeling burned out and have been pretty lazy since the holidays ended. But maybe I needed that time to regroup. Hope your 2020 is happy and satisfying.
